Day 9 About water, mountains and scenery

Trading Reno for Bridgeport (CA).

Some places you have heard about on tv, seen it in movies or tv shows and from that you have a picture in your head. And no, I'm not talking about Bridgeport but on our way from Reno to Bridgeport we visited Lake Tahoe. I think it is safe to say the picture in my head was not at all matching with the reality. This place had me in awe from every corner. To begin with it was WAAAAAY bigger than I thought.

The water ... so amazingly clear.
The mountains surrounding it ... majestic and protecting.
The houses ... oh my gosh, the houses!!!

Of course I couldn't resist dipping my feet in the water, VERY cold but also very refreshing. We had a little lunch by the water side while listening to the soft rippling of the water, the birds chirping and the insects humming. PERFECT!!! NOTHING can beat this place!
When we got to Lake Tahoe town I of course HAD to visit the local rock store ... that was kinda disappointing. Sure they had nice stuff but the pricing was way off. They also had smokey quarts that is found in the highest mountain at Lake Tahoe and I liked that idea but even the smallest point had a big price tag so I walked away.

On our way to our final destination that day we came through some cute little towns, like the almost just 1 street kind of towns. I could never live there but sure enjoy passing through!!!

Then finally we arrived at Bridgeport. Our motel was a charming white quiet place and most other guests seemed to be fishermen/hunters. After writing yesterday's blog we went into town for dinner. Not much choice of restaurants so the Bridgeport Inn it was. A trip back to the early 1900's, the dining room felt like a local diner with neat white linen tablecloths, pictures on the wall of ages ago and when I went to the bathroom there was this nice wallpaper with roses. The food was SOOO good though. I love it! We walked a bit through town and went back to the motel for a good night sleep.


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